Vision and Mission


  • To achieve pre-eminence in management education, innovation, entrepreneurship, start-up support and research with societal significance and global perspective.


  • To nurture thought leaders to serve diverse sectors of the economy by igniting a passion for excellence. 


  • Ethical:  Displaying and promoting appropriate conduct.
  • Inclusive : Giving equal access to all, including marginalized  sections of the society.
  • Commitment : Pledge to show unflinching enthusiasm to the cause of work.
  • Passion:  Need to perform with zeal and energy.
  • Integrity: Align one’s thoughts, words and actions to do what is right for the organization.
  • Respect and Dignity of the Individual: Imbibe the need to value others and treat all with dignity.
  • Excellence:  To strive continuously to be among the best both professionally and academically.